Friday, April 11, 2014

Undistacted Devotion

As I have been asking God for a lot of input and wisdom lately (I should be doing this all the time, but lately it has been happening more often), I have come to a realization.

I ask God a lot of questions, and then I tune out His answers.

Oh of course not purposely.
I just came to a realization though..
I ask God a question, and then instead of listening for His reply, I go and turn my music on, check my facebook, watch my tv show, text all my friends...

No wonder I can't hear Him.

Even as I write this, I am fighting a strong urge to check my facebook, look at things on pinterest, listen to music. It's become such an impulse that it's hard to just lay it aside. The Lord has been speaking to me that it's time to take a technology fast. I'm still praying about exactly how it will look. I have already begun to cut out apps on my phone. One thing I have realized is that I need to spend more time in silence/prayer. How can I hear God if all I hear is noise? I have a 40 minute drive to work everyday, which means my total vehicle time is about 1.5 hours. It's easy to just turn on the tunes and not think about anything else, and especially avoid prayer time. However, how can I expect to hear Him when He speaks, if I'm not willing to listen? God is ALWAYS speaking to us, we just aren't listening. I am excited to cut all of this technology out, although I know it will be a challenge, because I know that the Lord will use this time to really speak to my heart. I read an article the other day by Phil Wickham, and one thing that he said really stuck out to me. For those of you who don't know, Phil Wickham is a worship singer and has recorded several albums. In the middle of his last tour, they found an irregularity on his vocal chords, and the only way to heal it is absolute silence.
This is what Phil says, "So I've been quiet now since Saturday, and you can imagine how the last 5 days have pretty much been just a wild series of nods, shakes, and gestures...It's also been a lot of listening. I'm starting to feel like I haven't been listening enough because I feel like I'm hearing a lot more lately. The Lord has been speaking to me profoundly. I feel so at peace. So loved. Moments of fear are quenched with a thought of the cross. Moments of anxiety vanish in the whispers of His grace. And I am thankful for it."

It is beyond me how God manages to speak to me when I indulge in so many distractions. About a month ago, I made a list of all the things distracting me from my relationship with God, and He is slowly cutting those things out. I didn't ask Him to do this. I didn't want Him to do this. I just wanted it to be "good" without giving anything up. It is PAINFUL, but the end result will be so great. I'm thankful that God doesn't allow me to stay the same, but continues to refine and renew my heart. Dear friends, I challenge you to consider your own heart today. Are there things in the way of your relationship with God? Things that are causing you to be distracted and that take away your time with Him? Write them down, I encourage you. Be brave. And then ask the Lord to show you how these things can become less and how He can become greater. Sacrifice is always hard, but to sacrifice for Him is worth it. Good Friday is one week from today, and what is our sacrifice compared to all that He has given us? In John 15:12 - 14, Jesus gives us these words: "This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends if you do what I command you."
He gave His life for you. He gave His life so that you could KNOW GOD and so that you could be free from the power that sin once held over you. Do not let yourself be held captive to that which distracts you, but as a free child of God pursue Christ. "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross." Hebrews 12:1-2a

"This I say for your own benefit; not to put a restraint upon you, but to promote what is appropriate and to secure undistracted devotion to the Lord." 1 Corinthians 7:35

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


As far as I know, it's every girl's dream. Literally, even before we can tie our shoes and count to 10, it is somehow communicated to us what the point of life is (or what it seems to be, anyways) - eventually finding that prince, the perfect one, the one who will do anything for you, fighting dragons and going through dangerous, scary forests, just for his princess. And obviously, you need to find him sooner rather than later. Of course, in our culture you wait at LEAST until elementary school to start on this journey. Yeah, does anyone else have memories of everyone dating having a special friend that they could always talk to in class and maybe hold hands with at a hockey game in Grade 6? HA. It is crazy if you think about it. Everywhere you look the message is being spewed at you like a fire hydrant. "YOU NEED SOMEONE". Okay, since when was this a need? Why does a girl in grade 6 need a boyfriend? Oh wait, she doesn't. So okay, jump forward a few years.. Grade 10, 11, 12... If you're in a relationship you're automatically cooler or something. Everyone knows you only find that special someone if you're good looking and not awkward. So basically, if you're not popular and you suck at sports (hello, Jessamy), then you don't have a boyfriend at high school. Okay, whatever. Even though the subject of boys is basically all girls study in high school, it's okay if you don't have one yet. Especially if you go to a small school. Cue the classic excuse: "I live in a small town. There are no good guys here." Which could be true (sorry boys who I went to high school with), and also since you live in a small town, you know everyone's life secrets and every embarrassing thing they've ever done, and every other girl they've dated is probably in your graduating class, and you also remember them in kindergarten when they were awkward and probably peed their pants in class. Not exactly a big catch haha. Also, this means they remember when you were embarrassing and awkward (oh wait, I still am) and that one time in Grade 3 when you threw up on the school bus. WHY AM I SO CUTE. Sorry to everyone who had to be there for that.
OKAY anyways, I'm getting off topic, but this is just how my mind is working right now. Gotta let it all flowwwww. (Just a fun fact, I actually did date a guy in high school, and it was great. However, thankfully God knows what is best for us and that relationship ended, and I am quite happy without it. Also, the guy wasn't from my town.)
Okay, so anyways, by the time the end of high school rolls around, everyone still "wants someone", but there is a good chance it's a little less romantic than it was when you were 6. Now you just want someone who you can call and text and hold hands with and kiss and..
So by this point, you've lost the dream. In the fairytales, the girls were pursued. Those guys did anything they could to get their princess. I don't even think our culture understands the meaning of that word when it comes to relationships. What used to be a dream of a man who would chase after you and be willing to sacrifice for you is now thrown away, because it is seemingly impossible to find.
**Disclaimer** I am aware that some people have great relationships, where this isn't an issue, but I'm just kind of getting myself to my main point, and I know I'm making a lot of generalizations, so please don't be all defensive.
Okay, I'm trying to get back on topic.
As a girl, I want to be pursued. I think deep down everyone wants that actually. We all want someone to love us and fight for us, and to make us feel needed and desired. But sometimes we give up that dream. Since we have this deep desire to be loved, we begin looking for it in the wrong places and the wrong ways. Before we know it, our hearts feel empty and unsatisfied. Instead of waiting to be pursued, we ourselves begin a pursuit.
Being out of high school for 3 years has made me realize the truth of this even more. Everyone I talk to "Soooooooooooooooooooooooo, (and girls definitely drag out the word that long) do you have a boyfriend yet?" "Sooooooo when are you getting married?" IT'S AN EXPECTATION. Our world is obsessed with relationships, and it's dumb. Yes, relationships can be fantastic, but all too often they are just a way for people to "feel something" and to try and fill the love void. Not gonna lie, there have been times in my life where I've gone after relationships for the complete wrong reasons, simply because I wanted someone to be with and someone to love me. It's sad now that I think of it, and it wrecked some good friendships too. IT IS OKAY TO BE SINGLE AND IT IS OKAY TO NOT WANT A RELATIONSHIP RIGHT NOW AND IT IS OKAY TO BE CONTENT AND HAPPY WITH YOUR LIFE WITHOUT LOOKING FOR MORE THAN YOU ALREADY HAVE. Sorry for the caps, just some thoughts.
Back to my point.
We are always pursuing things. Always looking, always chasing, never content.

Let me tell you a secret.

Are you listening?

Someone is already pursuing you.

Wait what?

Yes. Have you forgotten your creator, your first love?
I know I'm sometimes guilty of forgetting.
For the past couple months I have been thinking about this wonderful fact that God pursues us. No boyfriend/husband will ever be perfect, but we serve this God who loves us and wants us and will do whatever it takes to get our attention. Sometimes it's a painful process to realize this, but everything He allows is in our best interest, even when we don't understand it. This God that we serve is waiting for us and constantly talking to us. He loves me and understand me better than any man ever could. Next time you feel lonely or unimportant, be comforted and encouraged in the fact that God wants you and He will do whatever it takes to capture your heart. You are beautiful and special and precious to Him. He is pursuing you.. will you let Him in?


"She went after her lovers, but me she forgot. Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her." Hosea 2:13b-14

get out of the way.

Well it seems spring has finally arrived in Saskatchewan.. or getting here. The snow in our yard is slowly melting, and it's pretty exciting to look outside and see that patch of grass getting bigger and bigger. Wohooo. I love winter, but it is always so wonderful when spring comes, because we all know that after spring comes SUMMER. Anyways, for the past 3 years, and this year being no exception, along with spring comes the big question... "what's next?". And every year at this point, it still seems I am completely clueless. It seems the pressure is just put on full force, ESPECIALLY from my parents. They know what they want for me, and I know have a lot of ideas of what I want for me, and of course they don't seem to line up. And then God.. what does He want for me? Ultimately, it doesn't matter what I want, it doesn't matter what my parents want, it matters what HE wants. Am I willing to go where He leads? Am I willing to follow His leading? Even if it's not my first choice? Even if it's not a choice I would ever consider? Am I willing to surrender my heart and my desires and be filled with His desires and plans for me? I have had to give up some things in the past month that were so important to me, and as I realized what God was asking of me, my prideful heart found itself saying, "Okay, I've given that up, so now there isn't anything left in the way. God, I'm willing to do whatever you want, because suddenly every plan and dream I had is completely shattered." I was ready to go. Ready to follow God all the way. Now today I'm hit with the realization of how stupid that was of me to think that "nothing else was in the way". Me. I'm in the way. As I dream of next year and of the future, I of course want to make wise choices, but I also want to go somewhere where I'll be happy and do something that I WANT and not just do what other people tell me. So I realize, I'm in the way. God takes my dreams and breaks them.. gently and lovingly of course. But they're still broken. So what do I do? I create NEW dreams. And now my desires are completely different from what they were even 2 weeks ago. Now I'm so caught up in what I want. I want to do what HE wants, but I don't know what that is. What happened to the girl who said, "I'll go wherever you lead?" Am I willing to answer that call? As I wonder and stress think about this all day long, I am no where closer to having an answer right now than I was when I woke up this morning.
However, as I was writing to a friend today and sharing with her this struggle I am facing, it hit me.

"You don't need to know right now."

Wow. What freedom I found in hearing those words. There are still 4 months till school starts. Why do I need to have all the answers today? I don't. If I had all the answers, I wouldn't need to rely on God to show me. I have applied for some schools, so why freak out? It will all work out, and if I don't know the answer till the end of August, then I don't know till the end of August. Meanwhile I will be going crazy and probably being a little stressed about such a big unknown looming ahead of me, but GOD KNOWS, and I know He is trying to remind me to just trust in Him. I need to listen and just get out of the way for now. My Father will show me when it's time.

Are you getting in the way of God's leading in your life?

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways." James 1:5-8

Monday, April 7, 2014


Wow, SO MUCH has happened in the past month, where to even start?
We still find ourselves in the season of lent, and as I posted here, I decided to give up netflix for this time, and also to make a deliberate effort to be thankful each day. So I have succeeded in the no netflix, but definitely haven't been writing down something i'm thankful for each day. There have been days I've thought about it, but it just didn't end up how I wanted it to be. In regards to no netflix, that has been good, and I have been more productive at home, but the point is to spend more time with Jesus, which has gone in spurts. It seems hard to reform a habit when it's been absent for so long. One thing I have been thinking about a lot lately is that fact that GOD PURSUES US. I am hoping to write a post about that soon :) I'm definitely not a perfect person.
This is an excerpt from my first ever blog post... one that explains the title of my blog.

"I'm just a girl who loves the Lord, wants to be used by Him, and a girl who realizes how broken and desperate I am without Him. Just a leaking vessel, really. We all know that if a boat is leaking, it is useless. Useless, yet not without potential. Useless, unless someone fixes it and refines it. Then it sails. Sails to places no one could ever guess, on a journey no one could ever plan. So here I am, a leaking vessel, but slowly and surely, the Lord is refining me, purifying me, healing me, and taking me on the journey of a lifetime. Time to sail."

This is still true. I wrote that last August, and so much time has passed since then. Life has happened. There have been victorious along the way and there have been heartbreaks. My vessel is still leaking and broken, but it is through my weaknesses and my cracks that God shines through. I am weak so that He may be glorified through me. I couldn't even hope for such a great God to use MY LIFE, but He does. Wow. He is continuing to restore me and refine me. It's a process that isn't easy. It involves brokenness, but the end result will be so beautiful!
I know I need to be spending more time in the Word and in prayer. I am thankful that it is never too late to restart, and that God doesn't just give up on us, even when we've pretty much given up on Him. What a faithful God we serve.

So anyways... the "Lent Resolutions"...
I had some things I wanted to accomplish during Lent, and lets just say they didn't all get done. Some of them did, but not everything. However, I still have a couple weeks ;)
AND,  APRIL TO DOS. (i realize we're already a week in, but whatever! #dontjudgeme)

  • make time in the Word and prayer a priority
  • mail the gifts I have sitting on my shelf
  • reply to emails.
  • clean out bathroom drawers *shudder*
  • write out my testimony
  • finish the room declutter

I was very blessed to go to a ladies retreat on Saturday in Saskatoon, called Women's Journey of Faith. You can visit their website at It was a great day for me to be encouraged in my walk with the Lord, and reminded of the importance of walking in obedience.
Some notes/thoughts:
  • You identity should be found COMPLETELY in Christ.
  • Your loss is only a loss until the right time comes for Jesus to bring a resurrection.
  • You might have a healing in mind, but Jesus has a resurrection! 
  • When God sends you on a journey, He will provide for you. Don't worry.
One session that I went to and really loved was called "Launching your Ministry Dream" with Jodi Kozan. I went because I don't KNOW what my ministry dream is yet, I just know that I have one. There are so many things I want to do, and so many people that I want to encourage and bless. It's hard to know where to even start. I loved this session, and here are some things I took away from it.
  • If His leading seems fuzzy... pray, fast, and worship.
  • Start journalling what He shows you. Write down everything, including your dreams.
  • You need to be at such a place with the Lord that you KNOW who you are in Christ. (Knowing who you are in Christ seemed to be a theme that came up at every session btw.)
  • Submission and obedience is important. Don't let pride control you.
  • Start volunteering with people already doing things you're passionate about.
  • Take care of your own heart first. If you're not right with the Lord, how can you lead others?
  • Be willing to receive counsel.
  • ALWAYS go back to the Father.
When we have dreams we tend to talk about them with all our friends first (at least I do). This seminar was a big reminder to me that we need to first talk to the Lord, and actually to spend the MOST time talking to Him.
I loved that Jodi said "Don't be afraid to dream." When I was probably 15 or 16, I remember my friend Lauren told me that it was 11:11 and I should make  a wish. I remember telling her that wishes never came true, so what was the point? Lauren told me that I was a princess (daughter of God), and princesses always wish and always dream. I was at a point in life where I didn't really want to get my hopes up, but she reminded me to dream big. That has stuck with me, and now I'm not afraid to dream and imagine. There are so many things I have envisioned for my future and for ministry, and I think it's important to dream about it! I am so excited for life and everything it holds! So if you're reading this, and feeling discouraged or dry, don't give up. Keep dreaming, but most importantly, spend time with Jesus. Even if it feels empty. Don't give up. He is constantly pursuing you.