I've always wanted to be one of those girls who had that blog that everyone read, that was always updated, and that was the perfect mix of truth, encouragement, and humour. I realize that this is not who I am right now. Maybe one day when I'm a mama, or maybe even when I'm married and have my first house, or maybe even next year when I'm a broke college student balancing money, life, God, relationships, work and school. Or maybe it'll even start next week. Who really knows! Anyways, there are definitely days when I feel the need and desire to write, and so I would like to just being by seizing those moments, and even if no one else ever reads this, someday it will be fun to reread for myself!
Today I found myself wanting to write about Lent.
I never really knew what lent was until a couple of years ago. I believe I have only "participated" twice and in those times I gave up facebook, and once I gave up chocolate milk. Yes, chocolate milk. My not-so-secret addiction. Anyways, I was fairly aware that lent was coming up right away, but all of a sudden it snuck up on me, and today I was sitting at work and realized it was Ash-Wednesday. Oh man. I really love the idea of Lent. Although it is traditionally a catholic practice, more and more Christians are making lent a part of their lives. For me the idea is similar to fasting. Give something up that wastes too much time, or something that you know isn't good for you. In the time when you would normally be involved in that, make time for God. People give up all sorts of things, but the most common ones I hear of involve any kind of social network, texting, video games, media, etc., and various kinds of food. Today as I was thinking and wondering what I should "give-up" for 40 days, the obvious thing that came to my head was Netflix. I spend
days and days hours and hours watching TV shows on Netflix, when I know I should be doing so many other things. Bible reading and time with the Lord have been pushed out of the way, simply because I am lazy. In addition to my relationship with God suffering, I have also been neglecting things I need to do, such as cleaning my room, replying to emails, cleaning my fish Trevor's tank... Sorry Trevor. So I am not giving up movies, and if I happen to be hanging out with a friend or my sister, maybe we'll go find something on netflix. But as for my own personal time, for the next 40 days, I need to focus on what's important, and get stuff done. It's like New Year's Resolutions all over again! I realize some people may read this list and say, "most of those have nothing to do with God, so this is wrong", but for me lent is a personal thing, and yes, I want to make more time for God, but I also need to take care of my mental and physical surroundings, so there are a few things I want to do in the next 40 days. :)
Things to Accomplish:
- Make time DAILY for the Word and prayer
- Reply to emails
- Apply for Scholarships
- Clean Trevor's Tank O_o
- Get rid of clothing I don't wear
- Declutter my room
- Organize my computer
- Write final thoughts in my India journal.
So there it is. Lent and Jesus, here we come!
Along with lent, I have decided to each day remember to be thankful for something. This just sort of happened, as last night I posted a facebook status about something I was thankful for, and then again today found myself doing the same. So why not for the next 40 days keep track. I can post them on here, or twitter, or facebook or wherever. And I actually started this the day before lent, just so we all know.
March 4 - Thankful for comfy clothes, good friends, and peppermint tea.
March 5 - Thank you Jesus for the beautiful weather today! Summer will come eventually!
What are you giving up for lent?
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